Color: Maroon
January 26, 2011
Song: "Tattoo Woman" Jean-Marc Cerrone

Excerpt from my screenplay, "TATTOO"

Every tattoo has a story...
IS a story.
There is a mystery to being the bearer of a tattoo.

My body is my canvas.
My body is my quilt.
My body is my book...
My tablet upon which I paint my life...
And write my poetry.
I bear the stories
I choose to tell.

Like Hemingway,
I am a drunk
But my drink
Is my ink
My pen
To my skin.
I am a writer...
A true artist.
I am a unique soul...
A gypsy of sorts.
I live my art.
I live my pain.
The sting of its beauty is not a cost at all,
But it's a test
To see if I am worthy.

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